turn side job into main job

turn side job into main job

               Having side job gives contribution in additional income. In the consumerism day, you can withstand with low salary or income. One of the solutions to cost the high living standard is to get a side job. A side job can be a small business or working at another company. A side job sometimes gives more opportunity to grow better than the main job. In this occasion, you can need to decide whether you quit from your office or remain working there meanwhile your side job needs more attention and it is growing. There will be conflict of interest between those two jobs. Both side job and main job are important to your financial and social life. Is it possible to turn your side job into main job without losing all financial resources and social networking? What about your family’s opinion?
               When a side job gives the same income as the main job you don’t have to resign from your first job. Your side job income will not be as constant as your main job. At this condition you have double income. When you quit from your office you will lose 50% income. I think it is hard to do. A side job is possible to grow. When you get a raise three times or four times earning from your side job you have two choices whether you quit from your main job or not. When your side job has become a constant multiple resource of income you can quit from your main job but you will lose your social network you have built for years in your first office. You will only lose few % of income because your side job has grown and gives multiple incomes. I think it is not wise to quit from your first job when your side job orders come from your network from your main job. at his situation you will lose many orders and job task from your network meanwhile searching new network and customers is not easy. You’d better stay at your office to maintain your network. You can recommend your family, wife, brother or sister to manage your business of side job. You are the controller.
                Your side job  is growing. It causes conflict of interest between your side job and main job. You can count the income. You quit the first job but you will not lose much income. Your side job has given you multiple income and it’s orders do not depend from your first job network. At this situation you can quit from your first job when you think you have to because your side job needs your focus and it is growing bigger and bigger. You need to talk to your family and close friend to take this decision. When they agree you don’t have to be doubt about your decision. You still have a chance to maintain your network by inviting your old friends to come for a dinner or a tea. 

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