alternative sites to make money writing online

The growth of internet businesses has opened wide opportunity to make money online. One of the most popular methods is to make money-writing articles online. This method is open for everyone who has passion in writing. You can make money online using this system without having a website. You also do not need to advertise your skill. All are free. There are two good methods to make money-writing articles online. The first, you can sell your articles and the last, you can sign up to some sites and submit your articles.

You may desire the first method. You sign up to these sites and start selling your articles. You also must obey the terms and conditions of each site in case your account will be deactivate.

You wish for selling your articles at high cost. Here is the site. Constant is the option. It is a great site. It has high traffic. The editors of the site will review your submitted articles. You are required to write articles that meet their standard. If your article does not match the editors’ requirements, it is rejected. Your possibility to submit article is only three times. You will pass the screening if your first article is accepted. Soon, your name is listed in the site as the author.

This is another site to sell articles. You feel like to write any topics that you know well and you interested in. Thousand visitors drop by the site everyday so that you have broad prospect to make sales everyday. You just need to sign up paypal or alertpay account as the payment methods. This site is is another alternative to make money-writing articles online. It is a great site to promote your articles. You set your own price of your articles. You also get promotion links of each article. You can use your promotion link to advertise at forums and blogs. The buyers are able to contact you so that they would like reorder writing job if they feel satisfied with your work. The payment is via paypal. It is sent directly once you make a sale.

You might prefer making lifetime earning and getting paid once you make a sale. The second system to make money-writing articles online may meet your satisfaction. The types of income of this system are from revenue sharing, up front payment, and page views reward. These sites are recommended to try. is a great site. You join and submit your articles. You will get income from page views calculation and revenue sharing. The threshold of pay out is $ 0,5 therefore you are possible to make monthly income. You can boost your earning by signing up google adsense. Triond makes 50:50 sharing of each click of ads. The awful thing about this site, you have to promote your articles to increase the page views. Your participation with other members is one of the ways to raise article views. Leaving comments and adding more friends will generate your traffic but it works slowly.

You can also select It is a great site too. You will earn $5 every 1000 views. You are free to write topics that you like but you have to submit title suggestion first. Once the admin agree your suggestion, you can submit your article. You ‘d better write available topics in the job offers. Your selection title will be competed with previous post that has similar content. When your article win more votes your will be easily reach 1000 page views. is the most prestigious site. You not only earn lifetime income but also get up front payment. The selection to author is strict. You also must write good quality articles. The traffic of the site is high. It has page rank 7. Once you are accepted to be the author, you will start to earn flowing income every month. is nearly the same as It is an alternative to make money-writing articles online. You do not have to apply for an author position to join the site. You just need to submit your first article and wait for being reviewed. You will earn payment if your article has high traffic and get lifetime earning too. Your opportunity to submit articles is only three times. When the admin does not approve your third article, you must wait for few months to submit your different article for a second time. The standard of the unique article is also high. You are not allowed to use YOU/I as subjects to start sentences. is another site to make money-writing articles online. This is a revenue sharing site. You must sign up google or to earn income. Your earning depends on clicks of the ads. You also must do much effort to promote your articles. The other income is from sharing of affiliate programs. You have to enter your affiliate codes of or When you make sales from this site you will earn sharing commission with

Bukisa is another revenue sharing site. It only shares revenue from pay per click advertisement. It has link to google adsense and You can decide one of the pay per click those advertising sites. The more clicks on your articles the more commission you will receive. Unfortunately, the traffic is low. You have to promote your articles alone to boost the traffic. is an alternative. It is nearly the same as It pays you from sales of Amazon or ebay affiliate and page views. You must create squido lense. You will earn trophies. The more trophies you get the more popular your articles. It is web 2.0 type. Your activity to visit other members will increase your page views. is a revenue sharing site. The shares are from google adsense and affiliate sales of Amazon and Ebay. You can also insert your residual income from your affiliate products not from Amazon or Ebay. It has thousands hits per-day. The possibility to make money writing online is big. Your article must be unique and original. You must have a little research to decide the keyword of every posting. You can use google external tool to find the most search keyword.

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